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  • Hello to you in Shaibani Restaurants

    Journey into the World Food Yemen filled with different flavors and delicious dishes diverse appetite provided by you Shaibani Foundation for restaurants

  • Shaibani Foundation for restaurants mail

    Offers from which the most exquisite and famous and delicious grilled and baked traditional spices and flavor dishes Yemeni special dishes in addition to the East and Arabic dishes delicious

  • Shaibani Foundation for restaurants mail

    Offers from which the most exquisite and famous and delicious grilled and baked traditional spices and flavor dishes Yemeni special dishes in addition to the East and Arabic dishes delicious

Welcome to Al-Shaibany Restaurants Corporation

Welcome to Al-Shaibany Restaurants Corporation
Al-Shaibany Restaurants Corporation is a subsidiary of Alshaibany Restaurants – Mohammed Abdu Alshaibany- and was officially inaugurated in the 20th of June 2010. Alshaibany Corporation, Located in Hadda Street, offers a great food menu, which includes traditional Yemeni dishes, seafood dishes and western dishes. The building is composed of three level, each level serves on a different service standards which makes your satisfaction guaranteed.

Distinctive dishes

Al-Shaibany Restaurants Corporation is a subsidiary of Alshaibany Restaurants – Mohammed Abdu Alshaibany- and was officially inaugurated in the 20th of June 2010. Alshaibany Corporation, Located in Hadda Street, offers a great food menu, which includes traditional Yemeni dishes, seafood dishes and western dishes. The building is composed of three level, each level serves on a different service standards which makes your satisfaction guaranteed


See picture luncheon hosted by the Chairman of the Board Ali Sharaf Gulf Star and creative artist Salah al-Wafi

Enjoy the best and most luxurious lounges with eight-star service only in Shaibani Foundation for restaurants

Pleasantly surprised by the originality of Mandi only in Shaibani Foundation for restaurants

Shaibani Foundation Restaurants diversity Secret distinctiveness